The Long Version: Made in the Midwest, baby. I grew up surrounded by farms and had a mind of endless curiosity— there wasn’t a lot to do, in the best possible way. I learned how to create my own worlds in my head and let my imagination run wild. I spent a lot of time outside. I’m incredibly grateful for my childhood. 

I eventually made my way to California, where I began my work in political theory and fell in love with the works of Hannah Arendt. That foundation in politics started my deep dive into how we think, organize, and show up in the world. I became hooked on exploring the intricacies of our humanity through theory and connecting with others through the raw, real, exposed parts of life — you know, the kind of conversations you're not supposed to have at the dinner table.

TL;DR: Jumped from politics to corporate America to academia and lived to tell the tale. Fascinated by the human experience and the future of holistic healing. Researcher, facilitator, amateur comedian (not really, but I should be).

B.A. Pomona College, Political Theory, M.A. NYU, Psychology & Philosophy, 2026.


I began my professional career in policy because I thought helping people meant being on Capitol Hill. There’s a lot of good that can be done working in the public sector in government; there’s also a lot of red tape that drove me insane.

When I came back to Los Angeles, I somehow wormed my way into Corporate America and worked in management consulting for a bit. While this tingled the part of my brain that loves a good spreadsheet, I was still seeking a shake-up.

Somewhere in the midst of all of this, I moved to New York alone with everything I needed shoved into one suitcase and a duffle bag. I stumbled across a yoga studio around the corner from my apartment, and that’s where things really shifted. Turns out spending chunks of your day breathing and alone with your thoughts makes you confront some stuff. I started a daily practice, completed teacher training, and now teach yoga in Brooklyn.

Yoga was what ultimately turned me toward my path in psychology. I became so tuned in to story: what we tell ourselves, why, and how it manifests in our bodies and lived experience.

Currently, I’m in the midst of my master’s program at NYU in Psychology and Philosophy studying how we gain the greatest fulfillment in our relationships, careers, and selves. I’m integrating political theory on ways of being, thinking, and acting with psychological research to understand the “why” of it all. 

My work revolves around relational intelligence, motivational psychology, and trauma recovery. I’m exploring how we can create more meaningful connections, build mindfulness routines that stick, and lead more intentional lives.

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